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Anti Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement



Knights Cash Ltd does not permit, condone or otherwise accept any form of slavery and/or human trafficking (as defined in the Modern Slavery Act 2015) by its employees, subcontractors, contractors, agents, partners or any other organization, entity, body, business or individual with whom we engage or do business.

As a signatory of the U.N. Global Compact, we support internationally accepted principles regarding human rights, labour standards, the environment and anti-corruption, including the United Nations Declaration and core ILO conventions.

We encourage all our employees, customers and other business partners to report to the Knights Cash management, any concerns they may have regarding our direct activities or our supply chains. This includes any circumstances that may give rise to increased risk of slavery or human trafficking.

If Knights Cash suspects any slavery and human trafficking by an associated party, we reserve the right to report such suspicions, provide appropriate information to the relevant authorities and to suspend or terminate any associated engagement, business arrangement or contract.




We know that maintaining high standards of conduct is not achieved solely by good intentions.  It is achieved by clarity in articulating our mission and values to our employees . Our abide by the following core commitments:


  •   We are committed to honesty, transparency, and fair dealing;

  •   We ensure business activity aligns with the interests of all: clients, employees, and parties with whom we interact; and

  •    We strive to model best practice in all areas of our business. We do not violate legal obligations.


As we believe there is not a significant risk of slavery or human trafficking in our business, we do not have any key performance indicators specific to this area.  However, we monitor and review business practices which mitigate slavery or human trafficking risk including a continuous programme of training for our employees. 

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